Cee’s Fun Foto Challenges: Pick a Topic Week #1

Cee has a new challenge. Based on a picture that she will post once a week, contributors pick a topic based on the picture. It’s pretty broadly based and therefore, fairly inclusive. Here is my submission. I hope I get to be the first to jump in on this one!

Bridgey linesBecause a bridge was featured so prominently in Cee’s picture, I decided to make that the focus of my submission. I hope it’s appropriate. I hope I haven’t jumped the gun on this

Published by Russell Smith

I was born at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. I find inspiration in the lives of so many people from Joan of Arc to Oscar Wilde. While my primary avocation is photography, I also enjoy philosophy, theology and most of all, history. My beloved wife, Robin Anne Smith, who passed away in 2013 is an inspiration to me. My beloved partner, Dana is also a great support and inspiration to me. I'd be remiss if I did not mention my cats: Maxwell, Nigel, Pirouette and GarGar.

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