Monday Window Challenge: December 19, 2022

Monday Windows Challenge. Taken from the First Presbyterian Church of Watsontown, Pennsylvania. Matthew 24:44. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

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Ragtag Daily Prompt: Morass

Before the old King grew very old, there was an organized and orderly system of centralized government. As their King descended ever more into senility, so did the nobility become emboldened to ignore his edicts. In the matter of a few years, blood feuds and property line disputes became the order of the day. ItContinue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Morass”

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Ragtag Daily Prompt: Break

A few months after the death of her father, a new child was introduced to Princess Pirouette’s nursery. His name was GarGar. Like Her Royal Highness, GarGar’s father had recently passed away under similar circumstances. “It appears that love of the chase will soon depopulate our ranks more than any war,” remarked Princess Devant whenContinue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Break”

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Ragtag Daily Prompt: Sharp

The whispers of adults always filter down to the children. During the official period of mourning for Prince Devant, everyone who held a high post in his household was required to wear black. After three months in her widow’s weeds, Princess Devant (Princess Pirouette’s mother) was allowed to wear grey or mauve. While one couldContinue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Sharp”

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Ragtag Daily Prompt: Hellacious

Princess Pirouette sat on her little throne. Because she took precedence over her mother, it was necessary to make sure her head was highest. To accomplish this, carpenters were brought in to erect a platform, draped in black velvet, upon which the throne was placed. Besides the small, golden coronet that she wore, she alsoContinue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Hellacious”

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Ragtag Daily Prompt: Hang

“You will surely hang for this!” Shouted Lady Marguerite at the dance master, Monsieur Pierre. On the floor sat Princess Pirouette, red-faced and screaming at the top of her lungs. Her classmates huddled in a corner, frozen with fear. Never had they heard such calamitous outpouring of pain sprinkled with rage. “It’s not my faultContinue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Hang”

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