Ragtag Daily Prompt: Swash

With a wave and a smile, Queen Pirouette’s carriage was off again, down the road toward Castle Rising. After just a few minutes, a clap of thunder shook the vehicle. The sky instantly darkened and then opened up a torrent of rain. To the passengers, it sounded as though they were being pelted with stones, but it was only the water.

The windows of the carriage began to steam, so Abigail drew a handkerchief from her sleeve and began to buff the window nearest to her. “My goodness! Such a storm!” She said.

When Pirouette heard the wheels of the carriage swash in the ruts that passed for a road, she took the handle on her cane and pounded the ceiling. “Stop!” She shouted. “Stop this instant!”

Published by Russell Smith

I was born at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. I find inspiration in the lives of so many people from Joan of Arc to Oscar Wilde. While my primary avocation is photography, I also enjoy philosophy, theology and most of all, history. My beloved wife, Robin Anne Smith, who passed away in 2013 is an inspiration to me. My beloved partner, Dana is also a great support and inspiration to me. I'd be remiss if I did not mention my cats: Maxwell, Nigel, Pirouette and GarGar.

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