Ragtag Daily Prompt: Spooky

Queen Pirouette took advantage of a quiet moment to pay a visit on GarGar. With his legs propped up on an ottoman, she found him luxuriating on a pink upholstered settee. There was a glimmer of the light that once brightened his countenance. Dispensing with the usual formalities, Pirouette allowed Lady Natasha to pull outContinue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Spooky”

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Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Autumn Scenes

This photo was taken on September 25, 2019.  It may be subtle, but the leaves are beginning to change.  I have to confess.  Autumn is not my favorite season. I photographed this butterfly on September 28, 2019.  It’s colors are fairly seasonal. At last! Some autumn leaves.  I snapped and cropped this photo on NovemberContinue reading “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Autumn Scenes”

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Granny Shot It Halloween Decorations Countdown: October 25, 2019, Six days left

“La lune est belle,” from the 1945 film Les Enfants du Paridis. This is the moon in its splendor. “She’s like a drunken woman who has cast off her veils and is looking for lovers,” from the play Salome by Oscar Wilde. This image may not count as Halloween decorations but I’m including it inContinue reading “Granny Shot It Halloween Decorations Countdown: October 25, 2019, Six days left”

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