Ragtag Daily Prompt: Gruesome

It would be an understatement to say that GarGar, le comte des Deux Chats, felt uncomfortable in the wood stool upon which he was sitting. Directly across from him, behind a long wooden table, sat a committee of men appointed by the Prime Minister in order to debrief le comte on his whereabouts during hisContinue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Gruesome”

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Ragtag Daily Prompt: Swash

With a wave and a smile, Queen Pirouette’s carriage was off again, down the road toward Castle Rising. After just a few minutes, a clap of thunder shook the vehicle. The sky instantly darkened and then opened up a torrent of rain. To the passengers, it sounded as though they were being pelted with stones,Continue reading “Ragtag Daily Prompt: Swash”

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